Improving environmental sustainability of deep sea fisheries with emphasis on the conservation of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VMEs)

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To be developed within EASME/EMFF/2019/014 Framework Contract for the provision of scientific advice for fisheries beyond EU waters.

The objective of this FWC is to provide the EC-DG MARE and the Contracting Authority with a flexible tool to request specific and timely scientific advice on issues related to the conservation of marine ecosystems and marine biological resources, as well as management of fisheries carried out, fully or partly, beyond EU waters and of interest for the EU. In addition, this tool will also cover other services needed for the provision of the advice within the context of the external dimension of the CFP, excluding the Arctic as well as the mediterranean sea and black sea for species not covered by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). The advice and services are sought to support relevant EU services in the various aspects of their participation and contributions to RFMOs, SFPAs and Regional Fishing Bodies (RFBs) without management mandate, or yet in areas in the high seas not at all covered by any RFB or any other relevant international instrument, which require scientific advice in line with the relevant CFP objectives and provisions. The call for tender aims at selecting contractors capable of providing highly qualified experts on fisheries related sciences and producing best available scientific advice that will be used, on demand, by means of specific service requests. Prior to entering into specific contracts on the basis of such requests, their detailed technical specifications and budget will be defined. The service requests will stipulate the exact nature of the work to be carried out, i.e. the type of analysis and scientific advice needed, the tasks to be performed, the deliverables and outputs expected, resources to be allocated, exact duration and reporting structure. The contractor may be required to collaborate and liaise with relevant organisations (e.g. National Institutes/ University teams/research teams), including RFMOs, relevant research institutions in third countries with which the EU has, or may have, SFPAs in force, etc. The work will mainly consist of studies and services sometimes to be carried out within a relatively tight timeframe.